What if someone told you that there’s a supplement that helps boost brain function, reduce stress, protect your heart, and improve athletic performance? And what if you were told that this same supplement not only enhances immune function but can promote increased neurological function in those with autism and reduce the number of seizures in those with epileptic seizures? Chances are you’d be eager to learn more about this potent supplement known as dimethylglycine or DMG.

DMG is a derivative of the amino acid glycine that was initially used by Russian athletes and Cosmonauts to increase endurance and reduce fatigue.

DMG has been shown to do the following:

  1. Improve athletic performance. DMG delays fatigue by inhibiting lactic acid production after exercise.
  2. DMG boosts brain function by increasing oxygenation at the cellular level. It also increases the production of creatine, which provides fuel for the brain.
  3. Reduces stress by improving cellular oxygen.
  4. Promotes cardiovascular health by reducing homocysteine, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.
  5. It bolsters the immune system by contributing to methylation. Methylation is a process by which methyl groups aid in the production of antibodies, thereby strengthening the immune system. DMG also activates the immune system’s antiviral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activity by modulating the B-cell, T-cell, and macrophage levels in the body. This vital function gives the body greater protection and resistance from infections, boosting the immune system.
  6. Anti-aging effects. Since the body’s ability to methylate declines with age, DMG can counter those effects.
  7. It helps those with autism, ADHD, and epilepsy.

The Bottom Line

Dimethylglycine is a safe and effective supplement that helps aid in athletic performances and improve speech and behavior in people with ADHD. It also helps with stress management. There are no documented side effects by taking this supplement, and it even works synergistically with other nutrients within your body.

The Many Benefits of Vitamin D

Would you like to take a pill that will make you stronger, smarter, healthier, disease proof, age-proof, thinner, and with great skin and strong bones?

Well, look no further than Vitamin D. Almost every American has low levels of vitamin D, especially seniors. The American diet contains little natural vitamin D. Outside of food and cod liver oil, the only other natural source of vitamin D is the sun. But most Americans are now “inside people” who get far too little sun exposure.

Here’s just a little bit of what your body gets with the essential nutrient we call vitamin D.

  1. Vitamin D controls blood sugar and helps balance insulin levels. In trying to control blood sugar in kids who were very overweight and in danger of diabetes, researchers discovered that vitamin D produces blood sugar benefits and is nearly as powerful as what doctors have seen using a prescription drug. Adding vitamin D supplements to their diets was an effective addition to treating obesity and its associated insulin resistance.
  2. If your back hurts, then you’re not alone. Severe back pain is a global epidemic. The problem: You and millions of other people don’t get enough of the anti-back pain vitamin, vitamin D3. Research at the University of Minnesota has shown that many people suffering back pain have barely any vitamin D circulating in their blood.
  3. Eating sticky sweets can lead to tooth decay. When sugary candy adheres to a tooth, harmful bacteria enjoy a damaging feast. But a review of research on mouth health shows that vitamin D3 can significantly shrink your chances of suffering painful cavities in your teeth. Researchers at the University of Washington showed that vitamin D3 was associated with an approximately 50 percent reduction in the incidence of tooth decay.
  4. Researchers in South Korea have found that vitamin D is crucial for keeping neurosurgical patients from getting infections. Those who are deficient in vitamin D get sick with infections more often. Do you have enough vitamin D, specifically D3? Your skin can make it from the sun in summertime, but that’s not an option for many people. And it’s certainly not possible when you’re in the hospital.
  5. Vitamin D also aids in Crohn’s disease, an inflammation of the digestive tract. Crohn’s can cause muscle weakness and fatigue while generally ruining your life. Researchers have discovered that vitamin D restores your energy, helps get you back on your feet, and rejuvenates your zest for life. Their study showed that taking 5,000 IU of vitamin D per day can help restore muscle tone and relieve many of the discomforts caused by Crohn’s.
  6. Vitamin D3 deficiency and fibroids. Fibroids, also known as uterine leiomyomata, are noncancerous tumors of the uterus. They often cause pain and bleeding in premenopausal women and are the leading cause of hysterectomy in the United States. But researchers have learned women can lower their risk of this painful problem by more than 30 percent when they take vitamin D3.
  7. Vitamin D3 slows brain aging. Two studies show that vitamin D3 is crucial to keep your brainpower from dimming as you grow older. Without this nutrient, your risk of Alzheimer’s skyrockets.
  8. Vitamin D3 cuts your cancer risk in half. When researchers measured the vitamin blood levels of people with colon cancer, they found that one vitamin, in particular, reduced their risk of dying by 50 percent.

How Much Vitamin D Is Enough?

Vitamin D is almost a miracle supplement, even though it’s actually a hormone. It is necessary for bone health, helps the body fight cancer (especially in the breast and prostate), and props up cardiovascular health. It fights the symptoms of muscular sclerosis, fights diabetes and its effects, increases insulin production to help those with type 1 diabetes, treats rheumatoid arthritis, treats psoriasis, and helps ward off Alzheimer’s disease.

Most people get their vitamin D from three primary sources. Your skin makes vitamin D in response to sunlight exposure. (Although in the winter, in northern states, the sunlight is too weak to help.) Your foods can provide vitamin D if you consume oily fish. And vitamin D supplements can also supply the vitamin. The Vitamin D Council recommends 5,000 IU a day for adults and 4,000 units a day for everyone over nine years old.

When you buy vitamin D, make sure that your vitamin D supplement is natural vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and not synthetic vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol).

To find out more about what DMG and Vitamin D3 can do for you, call Doctor’s Nutrition today at 1-800-824-0194.

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