Is It Low Testosterone or Something Else?

Low testosterone is traditionally associated with diminished libido, fatigue, low muscle mass, impaired cognition, depression, memory problems, loss of concentration, irritability, mood swings, and reduced bone mineral density. More recent findings suggest that testosterone deficiency may be associated with cardiovascular risk factors such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, and insulin resistance.

Metabolic Syndrome

There is a relationship between testosterone levels and elements of the metabolic syndrome. Recent evidence suggests a correlation between increasing insulin resistance, an essential component of the metabolic syndrome, and decreasing testosterone secretion; conversely, increasing insulin sensitivity has been associated with increasing testosterone levels.


There is an inverse correlation between testosterone levels and BMI, waist circumference, visceral fat, and serum insulin levels. Basaria and colleagues have shown that men with prostate cancer receiving androgen deprivation therapy had statistically higher BMI and higher fat mass. These findings suggest that increased weight is a potential marker for hypogonadism.

Body Composition

It has been shown that low testosterone is associated with sarcopenia. Sarcopenia—defined as age-related loss of muscle mass, strength, and function—raises the risk of falls, fractures, and disability.


Depression can decrease libido. More evidence suggests, however, that the reverse is true — the incidence of depressive illness is increased in men with low testosterone. This association is especially true for older men.


Lack of energy was the most commonly reported recurring symptom of androgen deficiency.


Data showed an association between cognitive function and testosterone levels. High testosterone levels performed better on several cognitive function tests in older men. Higher bioavailable testosterone was associated with superior performance on verbal memory and mental control assessments.

Immune Function

The link between sex steroids and immune function found that testosterone levels increased the activity of T-suppressor cells, raising one’s immune function.

If you are experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, certain may be a factor. Check with your physician or health care provider. 

How To Raise Testosterone Naturally

1. Eat Foods That Boost Your Testosterone

Certain foods have been shown to increase testosterone in men. Pomegranate, beets, oatmeal (which contains the amino acid arginine), and watermelon (which contains citrulline that the body transforms into arginine) are common foods that can help increase testosterone and erectile function.

2. Take Supplements

Because you cannot always eat enough foods that boost your testosterone levels, daily supplements are a convenient way to get the plant compounds and amino acids to help improve testosterone levels. Natural supplements can help support balanced hormones and increase your testosterone levels.

Our supplement, called Andro-Build, is geared specifically toward supporting testosterone levels in men. It helps encourage testosterone production or make your testosterone more active.

 Andro-Build contains:


Maca is a hardy plant root cultivated high in the Andes of Peru and has been used by native peoples for thousands of years. Maca is a powerful adaptogen and is known for its ability to support the endocrine (hormone) system in men. It supports libido, adrenal gland function, and energy levels. It is also well known for balancing hormones.

Deer Antler Velvet

Research has shown that Antler Velvet supports androgenic and gonadotropic effects. It has also been shown to contain biologically active substances, including estrone, testosterone, and a substance similar to progesterone.


The metabolic supportive effect of Fenugreek was thought to be due to the formation of a colloidal-type suspension in the stomach and intestines when the mucilaginous fiber of the seeds is hydrated, therefore affecting gastrointestinal transit and slowing glucose absorption. The connection between testosterone and metabolic issues has been well documented and has a significant clinical correlation in terms of natural approaches to supporting metabolism, testosterone levels, and libido.

3. Lose Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight can help you maintain your testosterone levels. Fat cells make estrogen, and obesity contributes to increased estrogen production. And when body fat increases estrogen levels, it may decrease your testosterone.

4. Exercise

When your testosterone decreases, it takes your strength and muscle mass down. Regular exercise boosts testosterone, so it is essential to keep working out. Lifting weights and working large muscle groups are especially helpful.

5. Have Sex

Here is some advice that everyone loves to hear: Have Sex. Sex helps boost your testosterone levels. It also helps decrease stress and may help you sleep better, allowing you to check off two more items on this list.

6. Manage Your Stress Levels

The stress hormone cortisol blocks testosterone production, so it is vital to manage stress. Stress-management techniques include meditation, tai chi, yoga, or any relaxing activity.

7. Limit Your Alcohol Intake

Alcohol increases the metabolism and elimination of testosterone from the bloodstream, plus it reduces the rate at which the body produces testosterone. Cutting back on your drinking can help your testosterone level and help you sleep better at night.

8. Get More Sleep

Getting the proper amount of sleep can help with your testosterone production. There are several ways to help men sleep better at night, including creating and sticking to a sleep schedule, taking your phone or other electronic devices from the bedroom, and keeping your room cool and dark.

9. Avoid BPA

Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a chemical used to make plastic products and line aluminum cans. There is increasing evidence that exposure to low levels of BPA can create hormonal problems and even an increased risk for prostate cancer in men. Avoid endocrine disruptors by not using plastic water bottles, not eating canned food, and not putting food in plastic containers.

To learn more about what you can do to increase your testosterone levels, get a FREE Consultation with one of our doctors (D.C) here

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Doctor's Nutrition

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