Six Ways To Boost Brain Health By Optimizing The Glymphatic System

While the lymphatic system has been getting increasing attention in recent years, hardly anyone talks about the glymphatic system (the lymphatic system of the central nervous system). That’s because we’re only now beginning to understand what it is, what it does, and how optimizing it is crucial for maintaining good cognitive and mental health.

What Is The Glymphatic System?

The glymphatic system is comprised of water channels, pores, and other brain and spinal cord clearance pathways that help us clear out by-products of cellular metabolism. The glymphatic system circulates cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) throughout these pathways, and, in addition to waste removal, the system is thought to be important for regulating intracranial fluid volume and central nervous system immune health.

But why exactly would the brain need a waste removal mechanism? Like our other organs, the brain produces waste as part of the natural activation of biochemical pathways.

All enzymatic reactions within the body can produce waste compounds (e.g., proteins, reactive oxygen species, excessive ions, and others) that are not necessarily needed for other functions and are therefore compounded and degraded. Indeed, neurodegenerative diseases are very commonly associated with a buildup of these by-products of cellular metabolism that are not appropriately packaged and excreted.

What Influences How Well The Glymphatic System Works

Effective function of the glymphatic system is dependent on a variety

of factors, including heart health, immune health, and blood vessel health. Inflammation, disease, and poor dietary and lifestyle choices can impede the lymphatic drainage of the brain and adversely affect the health of both your body and brain.

Research has shown that the glymphatic system is more efficient and robust when our hearts are pumping, our blood is flowing, our bodies are moving, and our brains are getting regular restorative sleep. The glymphatic system is most active during reparative sleep stages, clearing out inflammatory mediators and allowing for necessary restoration and rejuvenation.

6 Ways To Optimize The Glymphatic System And Boost Brain Health

A healthy functioning glymphatic system can help keep us healthy for years, protect our cognition, and even reduce the risk of neurodegenerative disease.

1. Stay Hydrated

    The volume of fluid within our vessels helps to support cerebral blood flow. Blood has to pump from the heart to the brain against gravity. When we are dehydrated or have consumed too many not-hydrating beverages such as coffee or alcohol, we can have impaired cerebral blood flow. This can lead to fatigue, dizziness, and poor waste removal. Using occasional electrolyte powders in your water can help maintain intravascular volume.

    2. Prioritize Your Sleep

    Restorative sleep is critical for glymphatic drainage. The sleep-

    brain connection is so strong that people who suffer from sleep apnea have a 70 percent higher risk of contracting Alzheimer’s.

    Try to sleep at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning. This applies to weekdays and weekends!

    A few ways to ensure this happens: Get morning light before 10 a.m. to support your body’s natural sleep-wake cycles, exercise daily, and eat your meals regularly if possible. Our brains are circadian organs and thrive on rhythm (it’s why babies and toddlers develop well with a routine), so the more we can simulate a circadian rhythm, the better chance we have of good sleep.

    3. Move Your Body Everyday

    Exercise gets our heart pumping and our blood moving. It delivers and exchanges nutrients, oxygen, and metabolic by-products, so it participates in glymphatic and lymphatic drainage. Delivery of blood supports cellular metabolism so that intracellular debris can be packaged and released and aids efficient clearance.

    4. Eat Brain-supporting Foods

    Foods that support brain health include most fruits and vegetables, which contain multitudes of compounds essential for combating reactive oxygen species (free radicals) and inflammatory mediators. Be sure to include magnesium-rich foods (nuts and seeds, cooked leafy greens, dark chocolate, and avocado, to name a few) as well since magnesium salts contribute to blood vessel wall health.

    5. Make Sure You Have Regular Bowel Movements

    When the body has to divert much of its energy to digesting, absorbing, cleansing, and moving your sluggish bowels, there is less energy to support the bioenergetics of glymphatic drainage. Consider adding more fiber to your diet by eating fiber-rich fruits and vegetables.

    6. Nutrition And Supplementation Are Also Important Factors In Aiding the Glymphatic System

    Diets high in sugar, salt, animal-based proteins, and fat and low in fruits and vegetables have been linked with a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, by affecting cortisol secretion, certain foods can reduce sleep quality. Given the connection between healthy sleep cycles and glymphatic functions, nutrients that promote sound sleep are an excellent place to start. This would include foods and supplements known to affect cortisol regulation positively.

    Supplementing phosphatidylserine with omega-3 PUFAs reduces cortisol concentrations and helps regulate the circadian rhythm of cortisol, reducing symptoms of depression. It also supports the function of the glymphatic system.

    Phosphatidylserine, in combination with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, positively regulates sleep quality, thereby preserving or improving brain functions.

    Magnesium deficiency is also known to be strongly correlated with insomnia. When coupled with excess calcium, magnesium deficits may contribute to a low-functioning glymphatic system.


    A hormone that regulates circadian rhythms and sleep quality, melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood. Melatonin helps clear waste from the CNS, especially during slow wave sleep when the interstitial space expands and CSF movement increases. Melatonin also acts as an antioxidant to prevent the accumulation of molecules that can contribute to neurological decline. To learn more about your glymphatic system, get a FREE Consultation with one of our doctors (D.C) here.

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