Is the Calcium Paradox Hurting Your Heart?

Calcium is an essential nutrient, and many people, particularly women, take supplements to ward off osteoporosis. But calcium appears to lead another life that seems to contribute to the formation of arterial plaque and other factors that lead to heart disease.

A German study published in 2012 found a surprising link between calcium supplements and an increased risk of heart disease in women. The study looked at 24,000 people and found that women who were exclusively taking calcium supplements to meet their recommended daily calcium intake doubled their risk for a heart attack.

Ominous findings, no doubt, but does that mean you should stop taking calcium supplements?

Not necessarily. Even the study authors warned people not to jump to conclusions. Despite this apparent paradox, calcium is essential to cardiovascular health, helping to govern a steady heart rhythm.

So, with all the upsides to calcium supplementation, this grey area between proven safe and proven unsafe can be confusing.

What should you do if you’ve been advised to take calcium to improve your health?  Fortunately, there are several ways to mitigate any potential risk of reaping all the known benefits of calcium.

Calcium’s Downside

We’ve been brainwashed from youth that calcium is a vital nutrient — and it is. However, you want to control where the calcium is going. Calcium in the bones is critical, but too much in blood vessels and tissues can be harmful, calcifying tissues and destroying vascular elasticity, leading to blockages, high blood pressure, angina, heart attack, and stroke.

Part of this issue has to do with the right kind of calcium. Many inorganic calcium supplements, such as calcium carbonate, are not bioavailable for the body and can be derived from limestone.

Oxide forms are also poorly absorbed. These inferior calcium supplements can be some of the main culprits contributing to calcium deposits and calcification in the body.

Instead, choose citrate, malate, glycinate, or chelate forms for better bioavailability. These forms are also better absorbed if there is adequate stomach acid, something most of us often lack as we age. But still, there’s more to the picture.

Calcium’s Best Friend

For optimal utilization, you need to take calcium supplements with magnesium and other nutrients, which can work to balance calcium’s potentially harmful effects. This is particularly true regarding cardiovascular health. Magnesium is just as crucial as calcium — if not more so — for maintaining bone, heart, neurological, and other areas of health.

Another essential nutrient to balance calcium is vitamin K2. This vitamin serves double duty, acting as a kind of supervisor for calcium distribution. On the one hand, it keeps calcium from entering blood vessel walls. On the other hand, it helps bones retain calcium, increasing bone density.

Vitamin D3 is another vital nutrient that aids in the absorption and proper utilization of calcium in the body.

So, if you need calcium supplementation, it is best to take it with these and other nutrients to optimize its benefits and reduce potential imbalances.

Think Food

There’s an old cliché that food is the best medicine, and it’s correct.

As with calcium and countless others, nutrients don’t work in isolation. They have complex relationships with other vitamins, minerals, and cofactors in their food-based sources, affecting absorption, bioavailability, and activity throughout the body.

For these and other reasons, starting any calcium and magnesium supplementation regimen with food makes sense. This can be done with just a few simple dietary changes.

Many foods are high in calcium and other complementary nutrients. Let’s start in the produce aisle. An eight-ounce serving of collard greens has 360 milligrams of calcium. If your goal is to eat 1,200 mg of calcium daily, this will provide a nice chunk. Good sources include Kale, bok choy, broccoli, dried figs, and oranges.

Seafood can also be a good source; sardines have 325 mg of calcium for a three-ounce serving. Salmon and shrimp are also rich sources.

Naturally, the dairy aisle is a significant source. Four ounces of part-skim ricotta cheese has 335 milligrams. Of course, there are also the old standards: yogurt, milk, and cottage cheese.

Foods rich in magnesium include dark chocolate, tofu, nuts, beans, and green leafy vegetables.

The beauty of these foods is that they also supply many other nutrients, vitamins, trace minerals, fiber, and phytonutrients that all work together to support optimal absorption and overall health.

When To Supplement

Sometimes, food isn’t always enough to get us the calcium we need. Various medical conditions increase the need for balanced calcium supplementation that includes other nutrients like magnesium, K2, and D3.

People who are lactose intolerant have trouble digesting dairy and need to find other calcium sources. Patients who are being treated with corticosteroids may also have trouble. People with celiac disease or other digestive tract disorders often have difficulty absorbing calcium. Vegans may also need to choose wisely to bring adequate calcium into their diet.

Circulatory Supplements

Knowing that calcium supplements can impact your circulatory health, you can counteract that disadvantage with various nutrients and botanicals that boost circulation and support cardiovascular health.

  • Ginkgo biloba is known for its ability to stimulate circulation and even protect blood vessels.
  • Ginger, cinnamon, and cayenne are also blood-flow stimulators
  • L-arginine acts to dilate blood vessels, increasing blood flow and improving circulation
  • Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation, which can slow circulation
  • Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce blood vessel inflammation and free up circulation

So, let’s come back to our original question. Should you take calcium supplements? Supplements can improve health and well-being for those who have trouble absorbing minerals or may be at risk for osteoporosis. However, you should never forget that calcium should not be taken in isolation; instead, it should be taken with additional nutrients that support the benefits of calcium and reduce many potential negative consequences.

Supplementation may not be the best choice for those not at risk for calcium deficiency. If you feel you need to add more calcium, bulk up on leafy greens, yogurt, and other high-calcium foods.

Remember, one-size-fits-all solutions don’t consider our unique individual health requirements. A qualified integrative practitioner can help assess your unique nutritional requirements and guide you to the best action. I always recommend using food as the foundation of any program, and if needed, high-quality, multi-targeted supplements that provide a boost to help all systems function optimally.

To learn more about calcium and your health, get a FREE Consultation with one of our doctors (D.C) here.

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Doctor's Nutrition

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