5 Reasons Harvard Warns Against Drinking Energy Drinks
Does energy feel like a scarce commodity in your body? Do you struggle to meet the demands of your day because you’re just so dang tired? If you answered “Yes!” to these questions, you’re dealing with a personality energy crisis, and you’re not alone. A 2020 poll found that only 14 percent of Americans feel…
Read MoreHeadaches: Targeting Headache Locations for Effective Relief
Headaches are a common problem that keeps many from living the vibrant life they are meant to live. They come on in various ways, for multiple reasons, and at all times of the day, month, and year. While there are medical definitions for the different kinds of headaches, like migraine, cluster, tension, etc., a more…
Read MoreReversing Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are intestinal inflammatory diseases that cause abdominal pain, often bloody diarrhea, and, eventually, malnutrition. Ulcerative colitis involves the large intestine, while Crohn’s disease can affect any portion of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus. Both can become life-threatening (e.g., colon cancer) if left untreated for many years.…
Read MoreDimethylglycine: The Key To Stamina, Performance And Endurance
In the 1970s, scientists isolated the amino acid dimethylglycine (pronounced die-meth-ill-gly-seen) from its source, called DMG for short. Eventually, it became one of many nutrients used by athletes to help give them a performance edge and was known in the early days as the DMG vitamin or DMG B15, though it’s not a vitamin by…
Read MoreEssential Child’s Healthy Brain Development
Which Foods To Eat And Foods To Avoid Early childhood is a time of tremendous brain development. The young developing brain changes shape and size in response to everything encountered in the early years. New environments, life experiences, caretakers, and relationships can affect how complex brain circuits are wired. This network of synaptic connections will…
Read MoreThe Health Benefits of Positivity
Spending time with positive rather than negative people isn’t just more enjoyable — the company you keep also has profound implications for your overall well-being. Positivity and negativity tend to be contagious, which means surrounding yourself with negative friends, family members, and coworkers will worsen your mood and outlook. But even more troubling, the negativity you…
Read MoreTest to Determine Your Risk Factors for Heart Disease
A wide variety of blood tests measure factors related to heart disease. Some of these tests, however, do a poor job of indicating your chances of heart problems. To understand the true state of your cardiovascular system, you need to ask your healthcare provider for the tests that are proven to indicate your heart disease…
Read MoreStress-Induced Hair Loss
The vast majority of us are stressed out these days. It could be said that many of us are so stressed we feel like tearing our hair out. For some folks, that’s more than just a saying. Hair loss and stress do very much go hand-in-hand. Types of Stress-Related Hair Loss There are generally three…
Read MoreThe Power of Lutein: From Eye Health to Cognitive Vitality
Blurred vision, eye fatigue, dry or irritable eyes—it seems to only get worse over time. And now, your eyes face another assault: Blue light that emits from all your digital devices, from smartphones to flat TVs — powerful enough to penetrate your retina. Two out of three people suffer from blurred vision, eye fatigue, and…
Read MoreChildhood Obesity – An Epidemic Sweeping The Nation
Childhood obesity is a severe medical condition that affects children and adolescents. It’s particularly troubling because the extra pounds often lead children to health problems that were once considered adult problems — diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. About 1 in 5 American children has obesity. Childhood obesity is on the rise in the United…
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