Gut Health and Exercise: Easy Ways to Balance Your Microbiome

Why Exercise Improves Your Gut Health

Exercise is one of the most potent ways to boost your gut microbiome. It’s probably the best ‘medicine’ for your gut health.

It Improves Your Gut Motility

Your digestive tract has its rhythm that keeps things moving. When it’s too fast, you might be running to the bathroom. Too slow, and you’ve got bloating, gas, pain, and nausea. Neither option is going to help you have your best day. Regular exercise allows your gut to find its perfect pace.

Your digestive tract is a muscle, and moving your body suits all your muscles, your gut included. When we’re physically inactive, the muscles in our gut also become less active. Over time, they lose their natural coordination and strength.

Boosts Circulation

During exercise, your heart pumps harder and faster to deliver extra blood and oxygen to your muscles. Some of that extra goodness also goes directly to your gut.

Exercise improves circulation throughout your body, including your gut and other organs. When your digestive tract is better perfused (or has a good flow), it becomes stronger, healthier, and better able to maintain the right balance of healthy bacteria.

Exercise Tones Your Digestive Muscles

Physical activity gives you excellent muscle tone, and we’re not just talking about biceps and abs. Your gut muscles become stronger and more efficient when you’re in shape. It uses its fit muscles to expel unwanted waste more completely.

Many people think they’re not constipated because they have regular or frequent bowel movements. But you might be going frequently because your colon isn’t emptying. You could be going several times to get one bowel movement out.

Exercise makes your gut’s contractions — known as peristalsis — more powerful and effective.

Higher quality peristalsis means your gut can empty more effectively. It’s a key part of your digestive health because it moves the waste out of your body before it can disrupt your microbiome.

Exercise Keeps Your Metabolism Healthy

Your metabolism is your body’s process of turning calories into energy. Physical activity helps you maintain or speed up this process, which helps with digestion and better balance in your gut.

If your metabolism slows down, your body has to select which functions are more critical. Your body sees digestion as a lower priority than vital organs like your heart, lungs, and brain. It takes some energy away from your gut. It can lead to an overgrowth of harmful bacteria, bacterial translocation of bacteria from the GI tract to other tissues or organs, and complications from slower motility such as diverticulitis and hemorrhoids.

Exercise Sets You Up For Sleep

Getting enough quality sleep is excellent for your gut. But it’s often not as simple as lying down and waiting to drift off to dreamland. Exercising could be the natural remedy you need if you find it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep.

Regular exercise can lead to better sleep and improve some sleep disorders. When you sleep, your body, including the gut, repairs itself, breaks down waste, and builds up your immune system.

How To Exercise For A Healthy Gut

The benefits of exercise for gut health are impressive. And excellent news: You don’t always have to join a gym or follow a strenuous program to get results.

The key to exercise is to start at your level. If you haven’t exercised for a while, then a brisk walk may work for you. If you already work out regularly, you must ensure you are doing something vigorous enough to get your heart pumping.

Workouts That Work For Your Gut

What type of exercise do you need to do for a healthier gut? Any aerobic exercise you enjoy that works with your schedule and fitness level helps.

People hear the word ‘aerobic’ and think they must join a class, but that’s not true. Raking leaves, vacuuming the living room, mowing the grass, or dancing to your favorite music can be aerobic exercise.

How Do You Know If Your Workout Is The Right Intensity?

Look for these signs:

  • Your heart rate is faster than normal.
  • You can talk but not sing.
  • You’re working up a sweat.

How Often Should You Exercise?

Ideally, you should aim for 30 minutes of exercise five days a week. But if you can’t hit that goal, don’t give up. Any amount of activity is better than none.

Many people get frustrated when they miss a few days of exercise. But the key is to move as much as possible, no matter what that looks like.

Start Slowly

If you’re starting with exercise, watch for injuries from overdoing it.

Don’t do too much too soon — this can strain muscles or hurt you. You’re at the right intensity as long as your heart rate is up. Don’t push beyond your limits, or you could set yourself back.

Use Care With Cardiac Conditions

If you have a heart or lung condition, talk with your healthcare provider before beginning any exercise.

Getting your heart rate up is usually good, but it may not be safe with certain heart conditions. Your healthcare provider can help you determine which type of exercise to do.

Bottom line

No matter how you choose to move, your body — including your gut — will thank you.

Exercise is one of the most potent ways to improve your overall health, including your gut health. Nearly everyone can do it to feel better, and it doesn’t have to cost a thing.

To learn how exercise can help your gut health, get a FREE Consultation with one of our doctors (D.C) here

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Doctor's Nutrition

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