9+ Thyroid Tests to Know If Your Thyroid Is Healthy

The Problem with Mainstream Thyroid Testing and Treatment Today’s mainstream clinical practices surrounding detecting and treating thyroid conditions are lacking. This predicament has left many thyroid sufferers without answers. Inadequate lab testing, along with a vast reference gap in lab ranges, leaves many thyroid conditions undetected and untreated. It is estimated that 20 million Americans…

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Obesity Causes: Hormones, Genetics, Environment & More

What Causes Obesity? Many things are involved in causing obesity, a chronic and complicated medical condition that involves having too much body fat. Along with eating and activity patterns, your genes, environment, and emotions play a role. So can your hormones, medical conditions you have, and medications you take. Diet and Activity Among the things…

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Is the Calcium Paradox Hurting Your Heart?

Calcium is an essential nutrient, and many people, particularly women, take supplements to ward off osteoporosis. But calcium appears to lead another life that seems to contribute to the formation of arterial plaque and other factors that lead to heart disease. A German study published in 2012 found a surprising link between calcium supplements and…

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Eczema Unveiled: Beyond the Itch

It’s itchy. It’s embarrassing. And it affects more than 30 million Americans. It’s eczema. And if you have it, you know the toll it takes on your self-esteem. It leaves you with dry, red, itchy skin, eventually becoming rough, leathery, or scaly patches that get oozy or crusty because you can’t stop scratching. The toll…

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What is gluten? Gluten is a group of proteins found in wheat, rye, and barley, that directly threatens the health of more than 2 million Americans who unknowingly suffer from celiac, an autoimmune disease. For these people, continuing to eat gluten leads to intolerable symptoms that can become life-threatening. But even if you don’t have celiac disease, gluten…

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There are dozens of ways to improve your health. You can eat nutritious food, maintain a healthy weight, take supplements, and exercise regularly. Another way to influence your health is to perform random acts of kindness. As traumatic as 2020 has been on all of us, we could benefit from both providing and receiving random…

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