Can You Have H. Pylori and SIBO? Symptoms and Causes

What Is H. Pylori? H. Pylori is a bacteria that has a unique ability to survive in the very acidic environment of your stomach. For most bugs, stomach acid kills them, but not H. Pylori! You can get H. Pylori from infected water or food, even through shared utensils and (here’s a surprise) through kissing.…

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10 Proven Health Benefits of Probiotics You Need to Know

Probiotic supplements are one of the best things you can do for your body. The unique microorganisms that we call beneficial bacteria dwell in your gut (intestinal tract), where they help maintain a healthy, balanced environment critical for overall health. Although you can get probiotics from fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchee—and…

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How to Maintain Gut Health During the Holidays

10 Tips for Healthy Digestion During the Holiday Season The holiday season brings joy, celebrations, and endless tables of delicious food. But with all the rich meals, sweets, and festive beverages, it can also cause trouble with digestion. You’re not alone if you feel bloated, sluggish, or uncomfortable after a holiday meal. Here are a…

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Is It Gluten Sensitivity or Something Else?

The bloating, nausea, the sharp, unrelenting pain in the gut. What could be the cause? For those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, the onset of gastrointestinal symptoms brings up the question, “Did I just eat something that contains gluten?” Unintentional gluten exposure is possible and should be considered, but other factors or conditions could cause similar symptoms.  Two of the most common…

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Leaky Gut: What it is, What Causes it and How To Fix it

What causes a leaky gut? Conditions and symptoms like irritable bowel syndrome, stomach pain, bloating, food intolerances, and GERD, among others, are on the rise. Why is this? Much of this has to do with our rapidly changing environment and diet. Everything from how we eat, sleep, deal with stress, the air we breathe in,…

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Probiotics and the Pursuit of Happiness

Did you know that within your gut, you have roughly 100 trillion bacteria, more than the number of cells in your body, belonging to about 1,000 species? Scientists have recently discovered that some of these species of probiotics directly impact our mood.  These probiotics maintain the normal functioning of our brains and nervous systems by…

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